Who We Are

In 1869, Concordia Publishing House was founded as a small St. Louis printery with the mission of providing doctrinally sound materials for churches and individuals. Today, our company thrives as a nationally recognized publishing company that offers churches, schools, and individuals more than 10,000 products and services. And while we continue to grow from our humble beginnings 150 years ago, our mission remains the same.

Mission Statement

Concordia Publishing House is the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. It exists for the purposes of strengthening and aiding member congregations in their proclamation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and working in partnership with the agencies and congregations of the Synod to provide publishing services. On their behalf, Concordia Publishing House will develop, produce, market, and distribute products and services that are faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions and which will effectively serve such proclamation to people throughout the world. All to the Glory of God.

Our Vision

We strive to be the premier publisher and provider of choice for products and services that are faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.



By the Numbers

CPH By the Numbers Concordia Gospel Outreach Editorial Concordia Concordia Technology Solutions CPH By the Numbers CPH By the Numbers 400+ Kindle Titles available on Amazon.com Over 60 Million Arch Books Sold For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

Awards & Certifications

At Concordia Publishing House, we are dedicated to our mission of serving and strengthening the people of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For 150 years, we have provided sound doctrinal content and high-quality products for our customers. We are proud to be your publisher.

We are also proud to be recognized as a leader in our industry. Over the years, CPH has earned many awards for customer service, exceptional quality, and excellence in workplace environment. These awards are not only a true honor but also a reflection of our employees' dedication and passion for excellence.

It is our pleasure to serve you, and we could not be more grateful for your support.

Corporate and Quality Awards

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 2011

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award - 2011 Award Recipient
"With God’s grace, CPH has achieved a level of excellence that few major corporations realize. As a Christian organization we are humbled by our achievements and as a thriving publishing house we are proud to represent both innovation and sustainability in this ever changing marketplace."
— Dr. Bruce G. Kintz, President & CEO

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) is presented annually by the president of the United States to organizations that demonstrate quality and performance excellence. Organizations that apply for the Baldrige Award are judged by an independent board of examiners. Recipients are selected based on achievement and improvement in seven areas, known as the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence:

  • Leadership
  • Strategic planning
  • Customer and market focus
  • Human resource focus
  • Process management
  • Performance results
  • Measurement, analysis, and knowledge management

Missouri Quality Award 2009

Recognized as one of the strongest state-level quality award programs in the country, the Missouri Quality Award is the official state recognition for excellence in quality leadership.

Best Christian Workplace 2009, 2010, 2011

A mark of distinction for organizations that are well run and are in accord with biblical principles. This designation will be of interest to organization management, prospective job applicants, investors, volunteers, and customers.

City of St. Louis Neighborhood Business of the Year 2011

Awarded by Mayor Francis G. Slay and the St. Louis Development Corporation in appreciation of CPH's dedication to doing business in St. Louis, Missouri.

Customer Service Awards

Certified Center of Excellence 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014

Awarded to call centers that demonstrate best practices and attain world-class performance. Awarded by BenchmarkPortal, The Center for Customer-Driven Quality, and Purdue University.

Concordia Publishing House

150 years of Gospel-centered writing.

After a century and a half, Concordia Publishing House's mission hasn't changed—developing products that are faithful to God's Word.

Times have changed, and so have we. But God hasn't changed, so neither has our message.